We ship to all EU - 1-3 working days - Free over €150

Swedish Wild Storpack Renskav - Högrev - Storpack

Renskav - Högrev - Storpack

Translation missing: sv.products.general.regular_price €2.025,00 Translation missing: sv.products.general.sale_price €2.382,00

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Högrevsskaven gillar vi att beskriva som "kungen av renskav". Den har lika fina bitar som vår gourmetskav och kommer dessutom från högrev, vilket är en något finare detalj än den stek som gourmetskaven är gjord på. Vi skulle nog vilja påstå att vår nya version av en denna norrländska klassiker är den finaste renskav som man kan köpa.

Högrevsskaven är precis som gourmetskaven väldigt mycket finare än den "skav" man tyvärr ofta hittar i dagligvaruhandeln. All vår skav är gjord på "riktigt" sätt, dvs man har tagit en stek som är fortfarande något frusen och sedan skivat den i tunna skivor. Då får man stora och fina bitar som ser exakt ut som på produktbilden. 

Här kan du köpa denna produkt som storpack, vilket ger dig 15% rabatt jämfört med vanligt pris.

100% svenskt kött

  • Ursprung: Sverige (Norrbotten)
  • Slakt: Sverige (Norrbotten)
  • Styckning: Sverige (Norrbotten)
  • Förpackning: Sverige (Norrbotten)

      Mört, gott och hälsosamt

      • Allt vårt kött får hänga in 4-7 dagar för att ge det extra mörhet och smak
      • På sommaren äter renen gräs, örter och löv. På vintern är den huvudsakliga födan renlav, och även ibland hänglav uppblandat med ljung och kråkbär. Denna kost gör köttet väldigt rikt på näringsämnen och nyttigt Omega 3
      • Köttet är givetvis 100% fritt från antibiotika, tillväxthormoner och konserveringsmedel

        Fritt levande djur och en viktig del av samernas kulturarv

        • Renen lever fritt på fjället på sommaren och vandrar ner mot kusten under höst/vinter. Under bistra vintrar kan viss utfodring ske, men annars försörjer den sig själv på det den behöver i naturen
        • Det finns strax över 250 000 vilt levande renar i Sverige. Renen lever i flock och tas om hand av samerna på liknande sätt som man gjort i hundratals år. För många samebyar i norra Sverige är renskötsel inte bara en inkomstkälla utan ett sätt att bevara ett stolt kulturarv som sträcker sig tusentals år tillbaka i tiden

            Free shipping over €150

            Translation missing: sv.products.layout.tab_label

            Do we charge for shipping?

            Sending perishable goods like meat is a complicated process. It is very important that the meat is transported under certain conditions and delivered at the right temperature. This requires specialised packaging and as short a shipping time as possible. We ship by air with couriers like UPS and FedEx. For Northern Europe, the shipping time is 12-24 hours from the time your package leaves our facilities. For Southern Europe it's usually 18-48 hours. 

            We ship to all of the EU and Switzerland. After Brexit, it is unfortunately not feasible for us to serve any customer in the UK.

            We ship products on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The courier will inform you of your exact delivery date and time. 

            We do not ship on Thursdays and Fridays to avoid that the package gets stuck in the courier's warehouse over the weekend.

            To cover some of our shipping and packaging costs, we use the following shipping rates:

            • Orders up to €100: €19.90 in shipping
            • Orders €100 - €150: €9.90 in shipping
            • Orders above €150: Free shipping

            We only use sustainable packaging

            We attach great importance to sustainable packaging. For that reason we do not use polystyrene foam (EPS), styrofoam or other environmentally polluting packaging materials. The packaging used is fully recyclable, biodegradable and / or reusable.

            Your meat will be neatly packed in a biodegradable bag together with cooling blocks. These frozen cooling blocks ensure that your products stay at the right temperature. The cooling blocks are filled with salt water. You can cut the blocks open after use and dispose of the water through the sink and recycle the package. You can of course also reuse the cooling blocks at home.

            We use sheep wool to insulate our packages and ensure that your meat stays at the right temperature during transportation. Sheep wool is 100% compostable and can be reused for many different purposes. The packaging paper and boxes are made from 100% recycled paper and can be recycled with paper/cardboard.

              Meat durability

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              The shelf life of our products is generally based on the specified best before date ("Bäst före" in Swedish). As with all foodstuffs, the best before date is to be understood as meaning that we guarantee the perfect condition of the goods up to this date if stored appropriately. It does not state that the goods are automatically spoiled after this date.

              In principle, the shelf life of meat depends on the temperatures and fluctuations in temperature the meat is exposed to. The higher the storage temperature and the more temperature fluctuations, the shorter the meat will stay in perfect condition. Frozen meat may have a best before date of up to a year printed on the packaging. That date assumes that the meat is kept at -18° C during that whole time. This is of course impossible for us to guarantee when we ship the meat over longer distances using a courier. The meat will most likely arrive to your home at a temperature a few degrees below freezing.

              Therefore, after you received your meat, we recommend that you store it in a fridge at maximum 4° C and consume it within five days unless you choose to refreeze it. 

              In general, if your meat was frozen, we recommend not to re-freeze it. However, basically nothing speaks against refreezing, especially if the food has to be heated up before consumption. The nutrient and vitamin content may suffer slightly, but refreezing is more hygienic than storing it in the refrigerator at temperatures above 0° C

              Our own tests also show that you can assume that the great taste of the meat will not be affected by refreezing. Wild game meat is of such high quality that the theoretical reduction in quality is practically unnoticed.

              If you want to cook the meat after its been frozen, it is best to remove it from the freezer 1-2 days in advance and place it in the refrigerator. 

              In the unlikely event that you have forgotten to take your meat out of the freezer, you can defrost it more quickly in water. Check whether the packaging is still properly vacuumed. If this is the case, you can place the meat, packaging and all, in a container of cold water. This way, a the meat thaws faster. If the packaging is no longer vacuumed, then you can NOT use this method.

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